North West Cancer Research

Creating a brand film to remind the people of the North West, ‘Cancer has no place in our home’

  • Brand strategy
  • Brand design
  • Campaign


Dedicated to putting its region’s cancer needs first, North West Cancer Research came to us to help raise their profile in the North West.  


As a charity, NWCR is reliant on good will donations to fund research into the cancers affecting local people and help educate communities on how they can safeguard themselves from cancer. 

Our task was to help boost the awareness of this amazing charity and highlight the stark reality that those living in the North West are 25% more likely to be diagnosed with cancer.

They wanted something that felt localised, personalised and authentic – with its region and the people that live in it at the heart of it.

In a first of its kind for the charity, we developed an integrated campaign comprising a strong ‘moment’ for media and an accompanying digital strategy. 

Knowing that the region itself and its local communities are at the core of NWCR’s work, our Cancer Has No Place in Our Home concept was born. 

To drive media interest, we created an impactful stunt to give the campaign a centrepiece. This involved creating six temporary ‘neighbours’ for one of Gormley’s statues, all positioned next to one of the real figures looking out to the horizon and standing in solidarity on the path to a cancer-free future.  Each figure was dressed in a T-shirt emblazoned with the shocking rates of common cancers across the region. ​

For the digital campaign, we used local voices from across the region to tell our story and amplify our message of why the charity exists. We used a mix of channels, including Meta and YouTube, geo-targeting content to each county to ensure audiences were seeing assets – and cancer statistics – that were relevant to them.

Out-of-home advertising was also done through Adshells across the region to reach as many people as possible.




Not only did it achieve widespread media coverage, our data also revealed how 41% of those surveyed were aware of the wider campaign messaging and 40% were now aware of the charity or had heard of them for the first time thanks to Cancer Has No Place in Our Home. 

86% of those who saw the campaign also said it made them think more about improving their health, while 83% revealed they would want to find out more about the charity’s work. 


pieces of media coverage, hitting all major regional titles


total est. earned media audience


of people in the North West saw the Antony Gormley stunt story


impressions through the digital campaign


digital views

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