Breaking down barriers to digital inclusion

Breaking down the barriers to digital inclusion

  • Insight


As the NHS increases availability of many digital health and care services, The Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System (ICS) wanted a better understanding of people’s views toward online services and the barriers preventing them from adopting them. 


The ICS engaged the expertise of Influential to uncover the barriers to digital inclusion and identify interventions to help increase the adoption of digital health and care services for both the digitally enabled and the digitally excluded. 

Influential conducted comprehensive surveys, stakeholder research, and insightful focus group sessions to gain a profound understanding of the attitudes and barriers to accessing NHS services online.

Our research included surveys of 1,015 digitally enabled people online and 275 digitally excluded people on the street, as well as 18 in-depth interviews with NHS staff and organisations working with disadvantaged communities and seldom heard groups.

These groups included older people, travelling communities, adults with mental health support needs, and young adults leaving care. We also held focus group sessions and interviews with digitally enabled and digitally excluded people to explore the drivers and barriers to accessing NHS services online and identify opportunities for improving digital adoption.




Thanks to our research, the ICS gained valuable insights into the barriers to digital inclusion in healthcare. Armed with these findings, it is continuing to develop targeted interventions that cater to the needs of both the digitally enabled and the digitally excluded, promoting the adoption of digital health and care services. Click here to read the full summary of the findings and recommendations.

Read more about our digital services



focus group sessions of up to seven digitally enabled people


paired in-depth interviews with digitally enabled carers and the people they care for


in-depth interviews with digitally enabled people whose first language was not English


face-to-face interviews with digitally excluded people

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